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6 useful tips for setting up your office

“Working safely” in times of Corona literally forces you to review our office planning. Those who can should go back to the home office and those who now (again) work from home should be prepared for a rather long-term period. But how should you properly set up an office at home? But how do you create a good workplace at home?

Set up home office checklist:

If you observe these essential points, you can work efficiently, effectively and at the same time relaxed

1. Set up a study

Ideally, you have a separate study at your disposal so that you can retreat undisturbed. In order to work effectively, efficiently and relaxed in the long term, it is worthwhile to carefully examine, measure and plan the existing premises. The dimensions can easily be entered in a planning tool and you can plan which furniture will fit. There are also free online room planning tools, for example the Flexcube Furnace Planner

2. Environmental influences

The most beautiful office is of little use if the environmental influences are negative.

– Avoid sources of noise, for example by facing a busy street

– Daylight and fresh air supply are extremely important, but solar radiation must be controllable

– The room temperature must be adjustable, in summer and winter

3. the right lighting conditions

It is best to work in bright rooms. Natural daylight is best for our wellbeing. If there is not enough daylight, lights can compensate for this shortcoming. However, the lights must not cause reflections on the screen or dazzle you.
Normally, your desk should be at a 90 degree angle to the window, as this prevents reflections on the screen. For video conferencing, on the other hand, it is best if the light falls on you from the front.

4. Ergonomics in the workplace

What principles should you use? Take your kitchen, for example. This has been created according to the so-called “work triangle” since the 1950s. For this purpose, the frequently frequented areas of sink, stove and refrigerator are placed in an imaginary work triangle so that all work steps can be carried out efficiently and safely. This principle can also be applied to the workplace. Desks, shelves and, for example, the printer should be placed sensibly for easy access.
The classic aspect of ergonomics in the workplace relates to correct sitting or standing at the desk. Compliance with the 90 degree angle is important here.

Are you interested in the topic? Here is a full blog post about ergonomics in the workplace.

5. Multifunctional devices and furniture

Click on the headings to find out more.


A minimum size of 160x80cm is ideal. This size offers the possibility to have important documents in front of or next to you and to work with a large monitor or several monitors.

For ergonomically perfect work, you should equip your workstation with an electrically height-adjustable desk so that you can alternate between sitting and standing – and the height can be perfectly adapted to your size. This is how you avoid tension and back pain. Frequently changing the work position stimulates the circulation, makes you more alert and efficient. Electric desks with memory functions make this even easier. You can preset different heights for sitting and standing and do not have to laboriously adjust.


Plan enough storage space around your workplace, because order creates efficiency

  • A storage container under the desk keeps all frequently used utensils always at hand.
  • Files and documents are safe in filing cabinets
  • Open shelves are suitable for files that they use frequently
  • In principle, however, closed storage is preferable from a visual point of view
  • A mix of open and closed storage is most effective:
    • open to all important folders, which you access frequently. Compartments closed with flaps for less frequently used items.
  • Small drawers at torso to chest height are ideally suited for storing small items.

– Good cable management can be achieved through a desk with a cable duct or alternatively
reach a pretty cable box.


A good office chair supports dynamic sitting. An optimal office chair adapts to every body movement and supports it in every posture.

Your office chair should at least have a rocking mechanism. This means that when you lean back, the backrest will tilt backwards. This relieves the back muscles. It’s even better Synchronous mechanism . The backrest follows all your movements and ensures optimal posture. Lumbar support and armrests should of course be adjustable in height in order to adjust them exactly to your body size.

6. Feel-good factors (plants, decoration)

Since we spend up to 8 hours and more at work, the feel-good factor should not be missing. Plants, textiles, decoration and color are important elements in the furnishing concept. Plants help purify the air continuously. Large plants also have a sound-absorbing effect.
Textiles, especially carpets, are perfect for absorbing sound and improving acoustics. It should be possible to integrate a few decorative pieces in all workplaces to help you switch off during short breaks.

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