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Showcase / Sideboard open


Showcase / Highboard with 4 drawers / 3 flaps


Showcase / Sideboard with 3 flaps


Showcase / Sideboard with 3 drawers


Showcase / Sideboard with 2 flaps


Showcase / Sideboard with 2 drawers


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Display cabinet - For the perfect presentation A display cabinet is a piece of furniture in which something is displayed. Showcases are fitted with a glass panel at least at the front. They can also be made entirely of glass. The name is derived from the Latin word for glass, "vitrum". The glass provides a view of an object inside the display case and at the same time protects it from damage or unauthorized access. Glass elements create refreshingly light furnishings and skillfully showcase exhibits. A modern form of display case is the sideboard display case. It is often used in schools or museums. With a height of 70 - 100 cm, the exhibited objects can be viewed comfortably from the front and from above. The showcase sideboard is also popular as storage and display furniture in stores, cafés and restaurants. In the lower section of the display case, goods can be offered for sale in open compartments or stored securely behind (lockable) doors, flaps or drawers. One of the oldest forms of display cabinet is the display cabinet. The term refers to a cabinet with a glazed door front. Its size ranges from that of a side cabinet to the size of a regular cabinet. Fine porcelain and fine drinking glasses were often stored and displayed in them. In public spaces, display cabinets in the form of wall cabinets are used to display public announcements, among other things. Colors and functions Flexcube display cases can be made entirely of glass or a combination of glass and metal elements. Metal panels are available in 8 standard colors in the store and an additional 200 RAL colors in the Flexcube configurator. Buying a display cabinet made easy! Whether as a sideboard or highboard, made entirely of glass or with metal elements: Discover our most popular combinations here in the store or configure them yourself using the Flexcube configurator. Are Flexcube display cabinets comparable to USM display cabinets? Visually comparable display cabinets can be configured with both modular furniture systems. Both systems are based on a high-quality stainless steel frame. However, they differ, for example, in the way the individual parts are assembled, in the dimensions (sizes and depths), colors and accessories. Flexcube and USM Haller display cabinets can be placed together in a room. However, the individual parts cannot be combined in a single piece of furniture.

Über 1.000 zufriedne schweizer KMUs.

4,9 von 5 Sternen!

Flexcube Möbel erhält eine Bewertung von herausragenden 4,9 von 5 Sternen, basierend auf verifizierten Rezensionen von Trustedshops, Trustedpilot und Google Reviews von Schweizer KMUs.

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!

Michael Doswald

verifizierte Bewertung

Ich bin von flexcube begeistert! Alles (Konfiguration, Bestellung, Lieferung, Montage) war perfekt.

Daniel Gex

verifizierte Bewertung

Die Lieferung/Montage war einwandfrei und ich freue mich jeden Tag über das gelungene Resultat.

Judith Giger

verifizierte Bewertung

Hochwertige Büromöbel und der Service und die Lieferung waren erstklassig!

John Lee

verifizierte Bewertung

...Wunderschönes Design in hochwertiger Verarbeitung, eben ein Eyecatcher und optischer Hochgenuss....

Gabriele Stein

verifizierte Bewertung

5 Sterne für perfekten Service und erstklassige Möbel.

Michael Schuler

verifizierte Bewertung

Super. Alles wie gewünscht

Roger Bollag

verifizierte Bewertung

hat alles perfekt geklappt, sehr Professionell! Lieferung und Montage sehr Kompetent.

Roland Steiner

verifizierte Bewertung

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!

Philipp Alein

verifizierte Bewertung

Qualitativ hochstehende Möbel, zweckmässig und ausserordentlich gute Lieferbedingungen!

Meta Velinsky

verifizierte Bewertung

Wunderschöne Möbel, hervorragende Qualität, schnell geliefert und montiert - deutlich preiswerter als USM.

Maja Katharin S.

verifizierte Bewertung

Alles hat 1a geklappt von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung. Die Möbel haben eine erstklassige Qualität.

Tina Christ

verifizierte Bewertung

Plus de 1000 PME suisses satisfaites.

4,9 étoiles sur 5 !

Les meubles Flexcube reçoivent une note exceptionnelle de 4,9 étoiles sur 5, basée sur des avis vérifiés de Trustedshops, Trustedpilot et Google Reviews de PME suisses.

Conseils compétents, meubles de qualité supérieure et livraison rapide - merci !​

Michael Doswald

avis vérifié

Je suis ravi de flexcube ! Tout (configuration, commande, livraison, montage) était parfait.

Daniel Gex

avis vérifié

La livraison/le montage a été impeccable et je suis chaque jour heureux du résultat réussi.

Judith Giger

avis vérifié

Mobilier de bureau de haute qualité et le service et la livraison étaient de première classe !

John Lee

avis vérifié

...Beau design avec une finition de haute qualité, un accroche-regard et un plaisir visuel....

Gabriele Stein

avis vérifié

5 étoiles pour un service parfait et un mobilier de première classe.

Michael Schuler

avis vérifié

Excellent. Tout comme souhaité

Roger Bollag

avis vérifié

Tout a parfaitement fonctionné, très professionnel ! Livraison et montage très compétents.

Roland Steiner

avis vérifié

Conseils compétents, meubles de qualité supérieure et livraison rapide - merci !​

Philipp Alein

avis vérifié

Mobilier de haute qualité, fonctionnel et conditions de livraison exceptionnellement bonnes !​

Meta Velinsky

avis vérifié

De beaux meubles, d'excellente qualité, livrés et montés rapidement - nettement moins chers que USM.

Maja Katharin S.

avis vérifié

Tout s'est parfaitement déroulé de la commande à la livraison. Le mobilier est de première qualité.

Tina Christ

avis vérifié

Over 1,000 satisfied Swiss SMEs.

4.9 out of 5 stars!

Flexcube furniture receives an outstanding rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on verified reviews from Trustedshops, Trustedpilot and Google Reviews from Swiss SMEs.

Competent advice, top quality furniture & fast delivery - thank you!​

Michael Doswald

verified review

I am thrilled with flexcube! Everything (configuration, ordering, delivery, assembly) was perfect.

Daniel Gex

verified review

The delivery/assembly was flawless and I am happy about the successful result every day.

Judith Giger

verified review

High quality office furniture and the service and delivery was first class!

John Lee

verified review

...Beautiful design with high-quality workmanship, an eye-catcher and visual delight....

Gabriele Stein

verified review

5 stars for perfect service and first-class furniture.

Michael Schuler

verified review

Excellent. Everything as desired

Roger Bollag

verified review

Everything worked perfectly, very professional! Delivery and assembly very competent.

Roland Steiner

verified review

Competent advice, top quality furniture & fast delivery - thank you!​

Philipp Alein

verified review

High quality furniture, functional and exceptionally good delivery conditions!​

Meta Velinsky

verified review

Beautiful furniture, excellent quality, delivered and assembled quickly - significantly cheaper than USM.

Maja Katharin S.

verified review

Everything went perfectly from ordering to delivery. The furniture is of first-class quality.

Tina Christ

verified review

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